Severe Sanctions Other than Dismissal for Cause
Severe Sanctions Other than Dismissal for Cause Heading link
The University of Illinois Statutes, Article IX, Section 6, outline guidelines for Severe Sanctions other than Dismissal for Cause that may be imposed on a member of the faculty. Implementation procedures were developed for the Chicago campus by the chancellor in consultation with the UIC Faculty Senate. For purposes of these guidelines, the faculty of the University and any of its units, except for the Graduate College, consists of those members of the academic staff with the rank or title in that unit of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor who are tenured or receiving probationary credit toward tenure, and those administrators in the direct line of responsibility for academic affairs (persons who hold the title director or dean in an academic unit, provost, chancellor and president). Administrative staff members not in the direct line of responsibility for academic affairs are members of the faculty only if they also hold faculty appointments.
Before such charges and a campus procedure are initiated, all attempts will have been made toward a mutual settlement at the level of the unit/college. In cases where complaints involve two or more units/colleges, all attempts should be made to resolve them by the respective unit heads and deans before a campus procedure is initiated.