Faculty Awards

In addition to a number of departmental and college awards for excellence in teaching, research and service, the campus and University have several award programs.

The UIC Distinguished Professorship is created to recruit and recognize persons who have made a significant impact upon their field through scholarship, creativity, and leadership. Professors selected for this award will receive a non-salaried, non-service appointment as UIC Distinguished Professor. The appointment will become effective at the beginning of the next academic year following the Board of Trustees approval. The appointment is for the duration of their full-time tenure at UIC. In addition, a one-time monetary award will be given to faculty appointed as UIC Distinguished Professors. Award recipients will be recognized at the Faculty Awards Dinner each fall.

Candidates for this award must be tenured or tenure-track faculty with a full-time appointment at the University of Illinois Chicago. They must have taught at UIC for a minimum of ten (10) years and will be identified through College nominations only.

A maximum of five awards will be given in any one year. The awards consist of a salary increase of $5,000 independent of any annual increase accorded to the faculty. Awards are effective with the next contractual year. All college nominees who are not selected as award recipients will receive a one-time cash award of $500 paid from campus resources. Award recipients will be recognized at the Faculty Awards Dinner each fall.

Faculty excellence is the cornerstone of any university of high quality. There is no more important task at the University of Illinois than attracting and retaining the very best teachers and scholars. The University Scholars Program, established by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, is designed to identify outstanding members of the faculty and to provide each with a modest amount of funds annually for a defined period of years.

The importance of these awards lies in the flexibility with which the funds may be spent. Recipients may use the funds at their discretion to enhance their scholarly work, except for salary rate increases, which are not permitted. The awards are not made for a specific project or proposal; rather, they are a symbol of the recipient’s excellence and the University’s commitment to foster outstanding people and their work. Therefore, the awards are made through nominations and not by self-nomination.

Awards of $10,000 per year will be made on a three-year basis to members of the faculty whose work is clearly superior. University Scholars may be individuals already on the University of Illinois faculty, or the awards may be used to attract faculty from other institutions to the University. Nominees for these awards will be carefully screened to assure that those selected are among the very best in their fields. Award recipients will be recognized at the Faculty Awards Dinner each fall.

The Teaching Recognition Program (TRP), administered by the Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, recognizes the documented excellence of University of Illinois Chicago faculty in their teaching activities. The program offers a $1,500 permanent increment to base salary (or a percentage thereof for part-time appointments) to faculty who document outstanding performance in their teaching activities over a three-year period. Award recipients will be recognized at the Faculty Awards Dinner each fall.

All tenured and tenure-track faculty, clinical faculty, and others with a demonstrated long-term commitment to teaching at UIC (such as lecturers and instructors) are eligible to apply. All applicants must hold a teaching appointment that is greater than 49 percent (>49%). A demonstrated long-term commitment is defined as continuous involvement in teaching at UIC during the Fall and Spring semesters of the previous three years. Tenured and tenure-track faculty who have not taught in the Fall and Spring semester in the past three years due to a sabbatical leave or other reasons are eligible to apply.

The Silver Circle Awards have been given each year since 1966 to honor UIC faculty members chosen by the Senior class for their excellence in teaching undergraduate courses. Each year, eleven faculty members are presented with this prestigious award. Recipients of the award in the previous two years are not eligible. At the May commencement ceremonies the winners receive an engraved Silver Circle plaque mounted on granite. In addition, each award winner receives a check in the amount of $500. Award recipients will be recognized at the Faculty Awards Dinner each fall.

The “Woman of the Year” Award is sponsored by The Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW). Established in 1992, this annual award honors a UIC woman who has consistently worked on women’s issues beyond the call of duty and who is an exemplary role model. Winners are honored with a reception and a cash award of $1,000.

The award criteria include providing service to women at UIC while on the job, responding to issues affecting women, and offering service to women through volunteerism and public support of women’s programs. All UIC women employed by the University (including faculty, academic professionals or civil service with at least a 50% appointment) are eligible for the award.

Since 2000, the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW) has been recognizing and honoring outstanding women and men who encompass the definition of a mentor. They are individuals who have been nominated because they have touched, shaped, and provided positive changes to others with regards to their careers or professional/personal development. The winner(s) of the UIC Mentor of the Year Award is presented with a plaque by the chancellor during a reception honoring them. The CCSW believes that one way to retain its employees is to seek out and recognize exceptional individuals on campus for their unparalleled mentoring examples to others, be they faculty, administrators or staff.

The University of Illinois Alumni Association awards honor alumni, faculty, staff, or friends of the University through the Alumni Achievement Award, the Alumni Humanitarian Award, the Constituent Leadership Award, the Distinguished Service Award, and the Lou Liay Spirit Award. Visit the UIC Alumni Association for further information on each of these awards.