Section 6. Leaves and Release Time

The University Human Resources website includes detailed information on the types of leaves and release time employees may be eligible for at the University.  Each type of leave is listed below with a link to the specific section on the website.  For further information, please contact the campus Human Resources office, unless otherwise noted.

The purpose of this policy is to address the situation involved when a faculty member is responsible for semester-long teaching responsibilities and at the same time encounters any of the following events: 1). a new child enters the home; 2). a spouse/partner, child, or parent is diagnosed as having a terminal illness and requires intensive life-saving treatment or is in the end stages of illness; 3). death of a spouse/partner, child, sibling, or parent.

The policy enables the primary caregiver (or co-equal primary caregivers) to spend more time with the relevant family member(s). This policy reflects UIC’s commitment to creating a family/life-friendly work environment. For further information on this policy and procedures for requesting modified duties access the link above.